
Support4Culture is a collection of programs that support arts, culture, and heritage in communities across Nova Scotia.

The programs provide a wide spectrum of support. They encourage new experiences, new events and new opportunities. They champion innovation, diversity and collaboration. They are for individuals, they are for communities, and they are for Nova Scotia.

The list below details all of the new departmental initiatives and programs that make up Support4Culture, including resources for individuals interested in applying. To learn more about a program or to discuss your eligibility, please contact the program officer listed with the description.


Arts Nova Scotia / Arts Programs


Arts Nova Scotia created the following initiatives with the Support4Culture funding.

Artistic Innovation Program

The Artistic Innovation Program is designed to stimulate artistic excellence and audience engagement for Group 2 and Group 3 applicants that receive Operating Assistance funding from Arts Nova Scotia. These Innovation grants are used to support artistic enhancement initiatives, audience or community engagement initiatives, presentation initiatives.

Arts Equity Funding Initiative

The Arts Equity Progam is designed to help both emerging and established professional artists from designated communities that have historically faced barriers to accessing funding support.

The initiative will provide funds for Creation, Production/ Presentation, Professional Development, and Special Travel. The designated communities of artists include Indigenous (Mi’kmaq as well as other First Nations, Metis and Inuit), culturally diverse (African-Nova Scotian and other visible minorities of African, Asian, Latin American, Middle Eastern and mixed racial descents) and artists who are Deaf, have disabilities, or are living with mental illness.

Contact: Enrique Ferreol (902) 424-6472

Mi’kmaq Arts Program

The Mi’kmaq Arts Program supports the development and continuation of Mi’kmaq art forms in the territory of Mi’kma’ki (Nova Scotia). Arts Nova Scotia recognizes the specific needs and practices of the Mi’kmaq arts community and acknowledges a new funding program is required. 

Arts Nova Scotia aspires for all Nova Scotians to have opportunities to engage with the art forms that derive from Mi’kmaq language, world views, practices, and protocols.   

Contact: Enrique Ferreol (902) 424-6472

Creative Collaborations

The Creative Collaborations Program seeks to implement a set of strategic initiatives that are designed to be integrated into the peer assessment process. While artistic excellence is still the core of peer assessed evaluation, these initiatives can be used to augment success rates in disciplines or regions or within identified communities.

Contact: Briony Carros (902) 424-4008


Community Programs

Community Mawio'mi Fund

Cultural traditions and language preservation are a sustaining factor for Mi’kmaw communities. Opportunities to explore, revitalize, share, and experience Mi’kmaw culture, both traditional and emerging, are vital to the long-term vitality of communities. Application Deadline: 15 May 2024 at 5:00 pm (AST)

Program Guidelines (PDF)
Program Application (PDF)

Diversity and Community Capacity Fund

The Diversity and Community Capacity Fund program supports diversity promotion and social equity activities, as well as the capacity-building efforts of organizations that represent traditionally marginalized groups and communities.

Contact: Rima Thomeh (902) 424-5793

Mi’kmaq Cultural Activities Program

The Mi’kmaq Cultural Activities Program will foster Mi’kmaq artistic and community cultural development. This panel-reviewed application-based program will support Mi’kmaq community groups and organizations to promote and preserve Mi’kmaq culture and heritage.

Contact: Megan Hallett (902) 424-5793


Culture and Heritage Sector Programs

Heritage Development Fund (Built Heritage)

This program will provide conservation work grants and conservation advice grants to owners of properties registered under the Heritage Property Act. It will also support background studies for municipalities considering establishing heritage conservation districts.

Contact: Kevin Barrett (902) 424-6396


Screenwriters Development Fund

The Screenwriters Development Fund invests in the creation and development of film and TV script projects by Nova Scotian filmmakers. With an aim to strengthen the film and TV industry by developing Nova Scotia filmmakers, writers, and producers. The Program prioritizes applications that reflect meaningful representation on the project team from members of diverse communities and equity-seeking groups, and reflect gender parity within the members of the project’s key creative personnel.

Contact: Mickey Quase