Archaeology Permits and Guidelines

Special Places

Archaeology Permits and Guidelines

Archaeology permits are available in three categories: Reconnaissance, Research and Resource Impact Assessment.

To apply for a permit follow these steps:

1. Review the guidelines for the applicable permit.

2. Complete, sign and date the Heritage Research Permit.

3. Complete the 'Description of Project' that must accompany the permit.

4. Submit your application to the Special Places Program.

5. If this project has the potential to impact Mi’kmaq cultural resources Archaeologists are encouraged to engage the Mi’kmaq as part of project planning and implementation.


Archaeological Reconnaissance (Category A) Guidelines (PDF 420 KB)

Archaeological Research (Category B) Guidelines (PDF 450 KB)

Archaeological Resource Impact Assessment (Category C) Guidelines (PDF 500 KB)


Heritage Research Permit (Archaeology) (PDF 110 KB)


Standards for Archaeological Impact Assessment and Reporting in Debert and Belmont, Nova Scotia (PDF 4.2 MB)
If you are planning to do archaeological assessment work in the Debert-Belmont area, these standards must be followed. They provide the most effective testing methodologies for Paleo-Indian sites.

Maritime Archaeological Resource Inventory (MARI) Form (PDF 811 KB)

Shovel Test Record Form (PDF 627 KB)

Heritage Research Permit Reports Confidentiality Op-Out Form (PDF 40 KB)



Heritage is that which society inherits from previous generations and deems worthy of taking special measures to preserve for future generations


Contact Information 

Special Places Protection
1747 Brunswick St, 3rd Floor
Halifax, NS B3H 3A6