Community Museum Assistance Program

Heritage Funding

Community Museum Assistance Program

The Community Museum Assistance Program (CMAP) is designed to support Nova Scotia’s community museums by providing support for Community Museums that serve to preserve, protect, and interpret Nova Scotia’s heritage resources.  Museums supported by the program must remain in good standing with program eligibility, which includes having as a primary function to conserve, research, and exhibit material evidence of the human or natural history of Nova Scotia and to own (or manage by agreement) a collection of artifacts or specimens that are publicly displayed.

The Community Museum Assistance Program works closely with the Association of Nova Scotia Museums (ANSM), who provide training, support, and standards to museums through the TRACK program.

Changes to contact information

Community museums need to notify the program right away if there are any changes to their contact information (like change of email address from the email on their most recent program application). 


Distinctness is a commodity that is increasing in social and economic value. People are attracted to our unique Nova Scotian experience