Read to Me!
Read to Me!

Read to Me!

Between birth and age three, the human brain grows at an incredible rate, laying down the cellular connections and building blocks needed to learn and develop. One of the greatest things a parent can do to nurture this growth is to introduce their baby to books and reading.

Established in 2002, Nova Scotia’s Read to Me! program is devoted to promoting early literacy by giving every baby born or adopted in the province a free bag of books. To date, over 80,000 Read to Me! bags have been gifted to newborns at the eleven Nova Scotian hospitals that provide maternity services. Available in multiple languages, the bright canvas bags include high quality baby books; a CD of lullabies and nursery rhymes; and a helpful month-by-month family reading guide.

As proud supporters of this non-profit program, the Nova Scotia Provincial Library and regional libraries across the province contribute to the success of Read to Me! by assisting with distribution. Bags are shipped to the regional library branches that are located near the hospitals. In turn, library staff members then deliver the bags to their final destination; some members even taking their dedication to the program one step further by helping volunteers present the bags to families with new babies.

In 2011, the Nova Scotia Provincial Library made a further contribution to the program by adding “Baby’s First Library Card” to each bag. The card is a reminder of the great services and resources available at libraries and also, that it is never too early to sign babies up for their own borrower’s card.

To find out more about the program and its efforts to help parents give their children a strong foundation through books and reading, visit the Read to Me! website

To learn about the great resources and programs available at public libraries across Nova Scotia, or to locate the library nearest you, visit the Nova Scotia Provincial Library website


To date, over 80,000 Read to Me! bags have been gifted to newborns at the eleven Nova Scotian hospitals that provide maternity services