Advisory Boards and Councils

Advisory Boards and Councils

Advisory Boards and Councils are made up of men and women from all walks of life. They represent the many people and industries that participate in arts, culture and heritage activities throughout Nova Scotia. Their insight and knowledge help government formulate policies and make decisions related to the culture and heritage sectors.

Board and council members participate in everything from financial decisions to sector strategies. Some are involved in events or initiatives that promote and celebrate our culture. Others may advise on the preservation of our heritage or serve important institutions in the province.

The guidance of our many public advisors and board members helps the Department of Communities, Culture and Heritage better serve our artists, cultural industries and all Nova Scotian communities.

Advisory Council on Heritage Property

Arts Nova Scotia

Creative Nova Scotia Leadership Council

Nova Scotia Museum Board of Governors

Public Archives of Nova Scotia Board of Trustees

Regional Library Boards

Sherbrooke Restoration Commission


The Schooner Bluenose Foundation is a body corporate whose focus is supporting the legacies of Bluenose and Bluenose ll. View compensation statement.


Learn more about advisory boards and councils and how you can participate.


Participation in arts and culture has significant social and health benefits. When people are engaged in their community, they are happier and healthier