Provincial/Territorial Culture Indicators 2018


Data released by Statistics Canada in October 2020, shows that the economic contribution of culture and sport in Nova Scotia has continued to grow since 2010.  In 2018, culture and sport together contributed $1.08 billion to the Nova Scotian economy and provided 15,571 jobs. Sport contributed $134 million to the Nova Scotian economy in 2018, a 1.6% increase from 2016 to 2018, and provided 2,455 jobs across the province. Culture contributed $943 million, up 5.1% from 2016 to 2018, and provided 13,116 jobs.

The Provincial/Territorial Culture Indicators report shows the economic contribution of sport and culture in every province and territory in Canada. Nova Scotia uses this data to inform culture-related policies, programs and services for all Nova Scotians.

Note: Statistics are subject to revision each year as more complete economic information becomes available to Statistics Canada. As such, the 2016 to 2018 Culture indicators presented here represent a new methodology and statistics are not directly comparable to previous years.

Economic trends in Nova Scotia Culture and Sport Highlights Infographic (318KB PDF)